The purpose of the

Edge Application Developer

Project Group is to create open APIs and SDKs that empower developers to build the next generation of mobile applications running on operators edge infrastructure.

Group structure


Jangyoon “Johnny” Kim

Deutsche Telekom


Valerie Parker


Technology focus areas

Edge Application Developer Project Group focuses on the following areas:

  • Enabling telecom operators to discover, inventory and make available infrastructure assets (including but not limited to compute infrastructure, network APIs for identity, location etc) to be consumed by 3rd party application developers
  • Developing capabilities, APIs and SDKs to allow application developers to easily consume cellular APIs to develop and deploy, test and trial applications which are deployed at the network edge
  • Providing a testing and validation environment which makes use of facilities such as the TIP Community Labs to test such applications within a “host” network provided by a sponsoring telecom operator

Getting involved

App developers

  • Work with the SDK/APIs to deploy on edge
  • Get your app deployed on test cloudlets and real commercial cloudlets
  • Contribute towards enhancement of SDK and API to meet your need and add new functionality

If your company is developing 3rd party apps on mobile and you are interested in joining the community, fill out the form below. We are currently focusing on mobile gaming use cases, in particular multiplayer games, AR, and VR. We will contact you to discuss next steps.

    Operators and service providers

    • Join the TIP Community
    • Give us access to your cloudlets to bring developers
    • Work towards meeting 3rd party app developers requirements for deploying at the edge
    • Work towards figuring out a business model for developers to access edge clouds

    Events & talks

    Upcoming events

    There are no upcoming events at this time.

    Past events

    • November 13 - 14, 2019 - Worldwide

      TIP Summit 2019

      Telecom and internet industry leaders will gather in Amsterdam for our fourth annual TIP Summit, where TIP Members share the latest updates on TIP technology.

    • May 30, 2019 - North America

      Edge Application Developer Hackathon

      EAD members use TIP Community Lab for a project group hackathon
