25-28 February 2019
Telecom Infra Project (TIP) returned to Barcelona as the mobile community gathered for Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2019. We highlighted our progress toward faster, more affordable, and more resilient networks, and — in a signifiant step showcasing the range and maturity of our technologies — we unveiled our first end-to-end network demonstration. We also hosted a series of face-to-face Project Group gatherings, including the launch of two new groups — OpenRAN 5G NR & WiFi. Finally, TIP supported technologies featured across TIP member booths, and TIP Ecosystem Acceleration Center (TEAC) companies exhibited at the startup-focused 4YFN conference.
End-to-End Network Demo

Project Group Sessions
Global gatherings like MWC are always a great opportunity for our community to come together and deepen the connections established through our collaborative initiatives. This year in Barcelona was no different as we hosted several sessions where TIP Project Groups shared updates, highlighted new partners, and announced their strategic vision for the coming year.
Channel Sounder II Demo
In Barcelona, TIP’s mmWave Project Group gave a live demonstration of the Terragraph-based 60 GHz channel measurement equipment distributed to select Universities, Institutes, and firms in the mmWave Project Group for analyzing street level performance. The demo showcased the real-time sounding capabilities and characterization of transmission and reflection effects.
Disaggregated Cell Site Gateways (DCSG) Developments
DCSG demos displayed in the booths of Vodafone, ADVA, Edgecore, and Infinera, highlighting the growing ecosystem of operators and technology providers adopting and building TIP technologies. In addition — in a session with TIP members — Vodafone, Telefonica, and TIM Brasil announced the results of their request for information (RFI).
mmWave Fireside Chat
Deutsche Telekom’s Andreas Gladisch and Facebook Connectivity Vice President Dan Rabinovitsj came together at the Deutsche Telekom booth at MWC to discuss the advantages of TIP’s new, open approach – directly citing the successful results of fixed wireless access virtual fiber field trials in Hungary using unlicensed mmWave spectrum.
Startups Shine at 4YFN
This year, TEAC startups from around the world exhibited at MWC’s startup-focused 4YFN to showcase their technology and show how TEACs play an important role in bringing deployable infrastructure solutions to the telecom industry.
For more details on TIP announcements and activities visit our MWC 2019 blog post