by TIP News


Deployments Range Across a Diverse Set of Verticals, And Nearly Every Major Region of the Globe


Launched only three years ago as an open and disaggregated system software movement, the TIP OpenLAN initiative recently crossed the 100,000 deployed OpenWiFi™ APs milestone, signaling the next scale level as Managed Service Providers (MSPs) ramp their deployment sizes and explore a broader range of verticals such as multi-dwelling units (MDUs), hospitality, stadiums, airports, SMBs, enterprises, industrial sites, public Wi-Fi, city-wide networks, mobile offload, and rural connectivity.

This milestone highlights the realization of the open networking vision behind OpenWiFi™, where MSPs have the flexibility to either assemble a customized solution or work with Wi-Fi OEMs (Solution Providers) to integrate the system as a service. It showcases the growing momentum of OpenWiFi™’ as an adaptable and scalable platform across multiple use cases.

OpenLAN is a community-developed, disaggregated Wi-Fi software system offered as free open-source software. It includes a cloud SDK, Enterprise-grade Access Point (AP) firmware, and Enterprise-Grade POE++ Switch firmware, designed and validated to work seamlessly together.

The key advantage of OpenWiFi™ lies in its significantly lower Total Cost of Ownership, driven by the open-sourced core software. This open architecture fosters a competitive and cost-efficient marketplace, reducing the need for substantial R&D investment and lowering the entry barrier for solution providers. Additionally, OpenWiFi™ allows for seamless integration of “best-of-breed” components, enabling solution providers to maximize Wi-Fi performance, realize flexibility, achieve scalability, and deliver faster time-to-market.

Various start-ups and established Managed Service Providers have led the global deployments across a wide range of verticals and nearly every region worldwide.


Deployments of TIP OpenLAN PG’s OpenWiFi™ Stack
Vertical MSP Deployment Focus Region
MDU Boingo Military barracks across the USA Americas
Andrena Affordable housing across New Jersey, USA Americas
WorldVue Apartment Buildings in Texas, USA Americas
Pavlov Media Student Housing across the USA Americas
Spectra Multifamily use cases across India Asia
Single Digits Ronald McDonald House Charities (Multifamily Housing) of Greater Charlotte, North Carolina, USA Americas
ASK4 Student Housing in the UK Europe
Multinet Pakistan Asia
Hospitality US Tier One Selective Best Western Hotels in the US Americas
Malaysia Tier One (YTL) Selective Hotels in Malaysia Asia
Canadian Tier One Managed WiFi Services Across Canada Americas
Multinet Pakistan Asia
Stadiums PMD Group Supersport Cricket Stadium in South Africa Africa
Airport Indio Networks Airports in India Asia
Multinet Airport in Pakistan Asia
Commercial Real Estate Join Digital Various Smart Office Facilities Americas
SMB Indian Tier One Multiple Locations in Across India Asia
Enterprise Spectra Various Use Cases Across India Asia
Industrial thyssenKrupp Materials Services Manufacturing and Office Facilities across Europe, India and Australia Europe
Government Indio Networks High Court Buildings in India Asia
Public / City WiFi Multinet Pakistan Asia
City of Dublin and Virgin Media European Commission’s WIFI4EU initiative Europe
Indio Networks Resort Towns in India Asia
Mawingu / ThinkWiFi Outdoor Network Targeting Digital Divide in Kenya Africa
NTT Docomo / Edgecore Collaborative Ecosystem for New Capital City of Indonesia Asia
Mobile Network Offload Nova Labs / Helium Offloading Telefonica Movistar Network in Mexico Americas
Rural Connectivity IO by HFCL PM-WANI Program Connecting Rural Areas in India Asia


The OpenWiFi™’ OEMs (Solution Providers) supporting some of these deployments have included Andrena, Edgecore, IO by HFCL, Indio Networks, NetExperience, Shasta Cloud, etc.

Similarly, ODMs participating in these deployments have included Actiontec, Arcadyan, CIG, Cybertan, IO by HFCL, Edgecore, Lindsay Broadband, Indio Networks, Inventum and Wallys Communications, etc.

In the coming weeks and months, the TIP OpenLAN community will display best practices and showcase the real-world impact of its initiatives by featuring detailed case studies on specific deployments. For more information about the group, visit:

Additionally, four key executives from EPS Global (thyssenkrupp Materials Services), WorldVue, Nova Labs, and AT&T, who are leading deployments (as listed above), will participate in a main stage panel discussion at TIP’s Fyuz24 conference in Dublin, Ireland. The panel, moderated by Monica Paolini, Founder & Principal of Senza Fili, will take place at noon on November 11th. For more information about the event, visit
