by TIP News

Following the Sept 12, 2024, 100,000 TIP OpenLAN Deployed Devices announcement, the TIP OpenLAN Community is launching a periodic series of case studies highlighting the wide range of verticals served and the considerable impact delivered. 

OpenLAN is a unique community-developed, disaggregated Wi-Fi software system offered as free, open-source software. It includes a cloud SDK, Enterprise-grade Access Point (AP) firmware, and Enterprise-Grade POE++ Switch firmware, all designed and validated to work seamlessly together, setting it apart from other Wi-Fi systems. 

The critical advantage of OpenWiFi™ lies in its significantly lower total cost of ownership (TCO), driven by the open-sourced core software. This open architecture fosters a competitive and cost-efficient marketplace, reducing the need for substantial R&D investment and lowering the entry barrier for solution providers. Additionally, OpenWiFi™ allows seamless integration of “best-of-breed” components, enabling solution providers to maximize Wi-Fi performance, realize flexibility, achieve scalability, and deliver faster time-to-market.

For more information about TIP’s OpenLAN PG, please visit


TIP OpenLAN PG Community Case Study: HFCL in Rural India

India is a highly diverse country, facing a pronounced digital divide between its urban and rural regions. Bridging this gap has become a central focus for both government initiatives and private sector efforts. Broadband Internet is critical to unlocking the nation’s full digital potential. While India boasts one of the highest mobile internet users globally, stark disparities remain. Only about half of the population has Internet access, and less than 30% of rural Indians have broadband connectivity. These statistics highlight the urgent need for coordinated efforts to ensure equitable digital access.

The Centre for Development of Telematics, the R&D arm of the Indian Government’s Department of Telecommunications, introduced the innovative PM-WANI scheme to enhance digital connectivity. This initiative enables the establishment of Public Data Offices (PDOs) by leveraging existing ISP infrastructure, significantly benefiting rural India. In March 2021, HFCL pioneered India’s first PM-WANI deployment in Baslambi, a remote village in Haryana, followed by another in Baidabettu, Karnataka. These PM-WANI-based networks deliver high-speed, affordable OpenWiFi™ Internet, helping bridge the digital divide and connect previously unserved thousands.

These installations provide residents in remote villages with access to essential digital services and serve as a catalyst for ISPs and solution providers to collaborate and innovate. Addressing the two critical challenges of rural connectivity—affordability and accessibility—paves the way for broader efforts to bridge the digital divide in underserved regions.


Technology and Partnerships 

HFCL, a Telecom Infra Project (TIP) member, deployed an outdoor public Wi-Fi network utilizing TIP OpenWiFi™-based Access Points, leveraging the reduced total cost of ownership (TCO) and faster time-to-market benefits. In addition, HFCL implemented point-to-point radios for backhaul, solar-powered Power over Ethernet devices, and other essential network equipment. I2e1, the Internet Service Provider, played a critical role by providing core solutions for Wi-Fi network authentication and regulatory compliance. As a Public Data Office Aggregator (PDOA), I2e1 ensured full adherence to the PM-WANI scheme, facilitating seamless network operation


Spotlight on Baslambi and Baidabettu

The primary beneficiaries of this initiative were the residents of Baslambi village in Haryana, home to approximately 6,000 people, and Baidabettu village in Karnataka, with a population of around 9,000. These remote rural communities had long struggled with inconsistent 3G/4G mobile internet coverage, resulting in unreliable connectivity. Villagers were often forced to travel several kilometers to nearby towns simply to access the internet and sustain their livelihoods.


Impact on Rural Communities 

Rural communities face significant disadvantages due to digital isolation. In villages like Baslambi and Baidabettu, the first crucial step was establishing the necessary infrastructure. HFCL’s team of experts strategically identified vital coverage areas, such as schools, hospitals, and community gathering points, where connectivity would have the most significant impact, ensuring that residents could genuinely benefit from being digitally connected.

An attractive Wi-Fi package was introduced, offering broadband internet access for 6 hours per device with unlimited data downloads. Data consumption averaged 2 GB per day in the early stages of deployment. However, within five months, usage surged to over 200 GB daily, with more than 1,200 unique Baslambi users utilizing the service daily. The availability of affordable internet with speeds of up to 500 Mbps in these villages represented a transformative leap forward for the community, significantly bridging the digital divide.

In these villages, the PM-WANI network offers access to essential services such as telemedicine, remote learning for students, government services, and financial services, including banking and digital payments, social networking, entertainment, and much more. This comprehensive connectivity has opened up new opportunities, transforming daily life and empowering residents with unprecedented access to the digital world.

The PM-WANI network has profoundly transformed the daily lives of villagers. By providing reliable internet access, it has reduced the need for residents to travel to cities for essential services like banking and medical care, thereby lowering their carbon footprint. Additionally, it has allowed villagers to access a wide range of services from the comfort of their homes, fostering local entrepreneurial opportunities and driving economic growth within the community.

In Baidabettu, young people working in the food delivery business, who previously had to live in nearby cities during the week, can now accept delivery orders, monitor surge pricing, and serve clients in nearby towns directly from their village. This improved access to job opportunities has enhanced their employment prospects and significantly improved their quality of life by allowing them to remain close to home.

This initiative’s success highlights the PM-WANI scheme’s transformative potential, not only in expanding access to digital services but also in creating employment opportunities and driving local economic development. It also showcases the crucial role of TIP OpenWiFi™ in delivering open, cost-effective public Wi-Fi solutions, further bridging the digital divide in underserved areas.