by TIP News


2023 was a year of growth and change for TIP and our community.


Since its establishment in 2016, TIP has been dedicated to catalyzing global adoption and fostering innovation in open and disaggregated technologies. Our diverse community, consisting of telecom operators, OEMs, chipset manufacturers, software and hardware providers, system integrators, and more, has played a pivotal role in advancing technology and pushing the boundaries of the telecommunications industry, resulting in positive transformative changes.

The TIP process is comprehensive, involving the development of technical roadmaps, the creation of solution blueprints tailored to deployment scenarios, rigorous testing, badging, certification activities, and the production of various deliverables that meticulously document the outcomes of this process.

In 2023, we welcomed new and renewing members and new Board members, released new product roadmaps and MoUs, tested and certified products in our PGs while driving industry innovation, celebrated winning awards, and connected with many of our members and industry friends at Fyuz23.

At Fyuz 2023, the vibrant atmosphere undoubtedly resonated with the anticipation of even more exciting innovations on the horizon. Among our achievements are the successful launch and deployment of disaggregated open optical solutions, extensive trials and implementations of macro, indoor, and small cell Open RAN solutions, and the initiation and expansion of TIP OpenWiFi multi-vendor products.

In 2023, TIP and our community achieved:


2023 PG updates


The Optical and Packet Transport (OOPT) project group within the Telecom Infra Project (TIP) organization released the technical requirements documents, showed growth in partner ecosystem with over 35 certified products, commercial deployments of disaggregated cell site gateways in various countries, trials of open optical transponder Phoenix solutions in South Africa (MTN) and Japan (NTT), collaborative testing between Telefonica and Orange on validating the first standard implementations of OOPT MUST’s subgroup SDN technical requirements, and ambitious projects like Multinet’s open optical network in Pakistan spanning over 7000 km.

Moreover, the OOPT community has released in the last quarter of the year, the new release of DCSG 2.0 and the Disaggregated Distributed Backbone PE Routers (DDBR-PE) detailed technical requirements which pave the way for evaluating the first Requirements Compliant products to be awarded with TIP Bronze Badges early next year. On top of this, the MUST subgroup has also updated its technical requirements for both IP and Optical transport solutions and it is currently evaluating the products compliance which are ready to start interoperability testing in 2024.

At Fyuz 2023, OOPT Group members demonstrated commercial success with the following case studies:

You can watch the Telefonica case study:

You can watch the  MTN case study:



On July 26, 2023, the TIP Board of Directors approved a new Charter for the TIP Open Converged Wireless Software Group (OCW). The new Charter renames the group as the “OpenLAN Project Group”, as well as makes some substantive and structural changes to the Project Group. The new Charter has taken effect as of October 6, 2023.

Wi-Fi & Ethernet are the ubiquitous technologies used for home and business networks in a wide range of verticals (MDU, education, retail, hospitality, public venues, carpeted office, Single-Family Residences, etc.) and have become mission-critical for SMBs, enterprises, and many other residences & businesses, connecting an ever-growing number of devices and applications onto the internet.

OpenLAN’s mission is to create a rich open ecosystem of interoperable solutions, including Whitebox Wi-Fi access points, Whitebox Ethernet switches, and native cloud management, thereby accelerating innovation by providing choice and reducing vendor lock-in, reducing the barrier to entry for new suppliers, and improving industry collaboration.

OpenLAN has grown significantly in 2022 and 2023, with over 1090 participants from 314 organizations supporting over 58,000 access points globally. Some key achievements include the successful launch of 4 releases since October 2022, commercial deployments at a cricket stadium in South Africa, and expanded relationships with organizations like CableLabs. OpenLAN is working on Wi-Fi 7 support, enhanced scaling, a badging/testing framework, and daily lab environments.

The OpenLAN group was extremely proud to announce that it has won not one, but two awards at the prestigious WBA Wireless Global Congress, held in Paris in 2023. OpenWiFi won the Best Wi-Fi Technology Award and the Best Wi-Fi for Social Impact Award. Award feedback included comments around “TIP OpenWiFi seems to hit the market at the right time! Addressing vendor lock, coupled with shortages in parts and other supply chain problems, OpenWiFi enabled operators to source hardware solutions from different vendors and use OpenWiFi for management. From that perspective, it scored high on technical and business innovation with good market traction.


Open RAN 

The Project Group kicked off Release 3.0 of the Technical Requirements; the Macro and Small Cell subgroups developed End-To-End solution blueprints covering several deployment scenarios, including a Multi-Operator Radio Access Network (MORAN) configuration; the subgroups managed to issue Bronze badges taking the overall products total on TIP exchange to over 65, testings and validation across the subgroups and much more.

In the RAN Intelligence and Automation (RIA) subgroup, TIP was awarded the ARIANE project by the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT), UK.  The project is led by TIP and includes: Accenture, Adtran, Amdocs, Arqit, HCLTech, Reply, VIAVI Solutions, and VMWare.  The partners will develop x/rApps based on three RIA use cases including UC7: Traffic Steering and Predictive Load Balancing, UC9: Power Saving by Load-Adaptive Mode and UC16: QoS Based Resource Optimization including conflict management. We also continued working on ARI-5G, another DSIT project. The project started in late 2022 to deliver 4 Use Cases including UC4: Inter-Cell Interference Coordination, UC6: SSB Beamset Optimization, UC8: Coverage and Capacity Optimization & UC9: Power Saving by Load-Adaptive Mode. The testing concluded in November 2023 and the results are currently going through TIP’s silver badge certification process.

RIA Release 3.0 requirements were also released in June 2023, it included four additional Energy Efficiency Use Cases in alignment with the MOU requirements. We added four additional use cases to Release 2.0 including UC2: Uplink Channel Estimation, UC6: SSB Beamset Optimization, UC15: NSSI Resource Allocation Optimization & UC16: QoS Based Resource Optimization. A Silver Badge was awarded to HCLTech for UC7: Traffic Steering and Predictive Load Balancing and there are five RIA Use Cases that have been tested and are lined up for silver badging. We awarded three Bronze Badges to HCLTech, Airhop and Aira.

In the open RAN Orchestration and Management Automation (ROMA), we released the 2nd release of the Use Cases and Data Model/Interface requirement document and Release 2.1 Technical Requirements document which includes the ROMA 2.1 minimum viable product (MVP) requirements with the badging certification criteria. The subgroup published a white paper titled: OpenRAN ROMA CD/CT OpenRAN Automation and developed two test plans: 1)ROMA Test Plan Release 2 and 2)The detailed Vendor-Agnostic test Plan Release 1. We had 3 applications submitted for Release 2.1 requirements, Amdocs was awarded a Bronze badge, and 2 others are under process.

For the RU and CU/DU subgroups, we had the Release 3.0 detailed Technical Requirements Document developed and approved for both subgroups and have awarded 11 bronze badges for products from Foxconn, WNC, QCT, Pegatron and G-Reigns.

We have also launched Open RAN blueprints:

During 2023, TIP created a blueprint for scenario 15, which is an indoor/small cell solution for mono-operators with vDU/vCU and OFH.

This document is focused on the 5G NR indoor small cell solution, which is mainly used for vertical industries; the eMBB services are firstly considered, and then the URLLC services. Two use cases are mainly focused on, one industry 4.0; the other is smart education; others are also under consideration, such as transportation hubs, office buildings, etc.

In addition, TIP created the OpenRAN Blueprint definition Macro/Outdoor deployment (scenario 3)

With the cooperation of Airtel India, TIP released a new blueprint for Macro/outdoor deployment, using Scenario 3 as defined by the MoU.  This scenario supports O-RU and vDU on site, with centralized vCU; and a mid-haul interface exists between the vDU and the vCU.



The TIP FiBr community is working to accelerate innovation and improve the diversity of wireline networks across the planet.

In the ever-evolving landscape of telecommunications, where approximately 80% of traffic remains fixed, connectivity has become as integral to daily life as heat, power, and water. However, this essential aspect of modern living faces significant challenges. The cost of energy is a growing concern, compounded by the exponential increase in traffic that contrasts with stagnating revenues. Supplier consolidation has cast a shadow on competition, limiting innovation and flexibility in the industry.

The solution lies in embracing new technologies inspired by the efficiency of data centers. Open tech, featuring interfaces tailored to real operator needs, and a balanced mix of hardware and software through disaggregated solutions, promises to revolutionize the industry.


MRN (Metaverse-Ready Networks)

The MRN PG, initiated on January 25, 2023, marked a significant milestone in advancing Metaverse-related standards. Subgroups, including the QoE/QoS Measurement Framework, Use Cases & QoS Requirements, Enabling Technologies, and Comms Services, were officially sanctioned in April. Notably, the Comms Services subgroup made a noteworthy contribution by publishing “Bring your own number (BYON) to the Metaverse based on webRTC” in October 2023. A pivotal development occurred as the QoE/QoS Measurement Framework subgroup and the Use Cases & QoS Requirement subgroup established collaboration and began joint efforts mid-year, fostering a synergistic approach to address the complexities of Metaverse technology standards


Testing and Certification and Badging

Across all of our PGs, we have badged over 30 products in 2023 following this process to enable commercialization for our member companies.

This process involves four key stages: defining technical roadmaps, validating solutions through testing, publishing blueprints and badged products on TIP Exchange, and managing their lifecycle. TIP Academy provides essential training.


Testing and Certification for Open RAN: SCOPE

SCOPE – Open RAN System Certification

In June, TIP introduced SCOPE, its Open RAN System Certification, aiming to simplify the integration and testing of Open RAN solutions. SCOPE fills the gap between product-level and operator acceptance testing, providing a rigorous certification process to boost confidence among operators, product vendors, and system integrators. This initiative seeks to reduce testing redundancy, increase purchasing confidence, and accelerate global Open RAN deployment by fostering collaboration and alignment. The program’s benefits are outlined in this white paper. 

Through implementing SCOPE TIP:

  • Will increase operators’ confidence to purchase Open RAN systems,
  • Reduce their needs for RFI’s and Proof-of-Concepts,
  • Enable savings by reducing the need for extensive testing.
  • System integrators and participating certification labs will have access to a robust certification process and operator requirements on certification through TIP.

Product vendors will benefit from a process recognized by operators to present and offer certified products to the market.

TIP’s SCOPE will enable a “test once; deploy many times” approach to achieving supply chain efficiencies and engendering confidence to deploy Open RAN technology into live networks, without every operator having to conduct individual comprehensive system tests. Implementing the process across participating regions will enable global scale and accelerate the deployment of Open RAN.



TIP announced changes to its membership model starting January 1st, 2024. The new model will have a base membership that provides benefits like access to project groups and codebases. It will also offer value-added services around badging, marketing support, and training for an additional fee. Current members will transition to the new model when their agreement expires in 2024 to smooth the transition. The changes aim to build a thriving member community while delivering more value.

Watch the recording where our Executive Director Kristian Toivo and Global Head of Engagement Vish Mathur give an overview of the TIP membership, how you can engage, and where TIP is headed in 2024 and beyond. Watch here

Are you making the most of your TIP membership? Reach out to us to see how your company can get involved in PGs, testing, and badging.

Hear our member testimonials here:


Government projects

ARI-5G has implemented and tested RAN Intelligent Controller (RIC) applications on OpenRAN networks. The project involved deploying a standalone 5G network at BT’s test facility and developing four RIC applications for capacity and coverage optimization, interference mitigation, energy management and mMIMO spectrum efficiency. Successful testing of the coverage optimization application has been achieved in 2023. Upcoming tests involve the energy management application. The project aims to demonstrate multi-vendor interoperability and provide network optimization benefits through the RIC applications.

ARIANE, a Telecom Infra Project (TIP) led consortium, has been selected by the UK government to receive funding through the UK DSIT Open Networks Ecosystem competition to further develop, test at carrier-grade, and help refine standards for Open RAN RIC applications and platforms. The consortium, called Project ARIANE, includes 9 partners that will work together over 18 months on use cases around energy reduction, traffic steering and dynamic QoS to stimulate more operator trust and adoption of RIC applications, as well as improving standards.


NTIA’s Institute for Telecommunication Sciences and Department of Defense Select 2024 RIC Forum Presenters

The National Telecommunications and Information Administration’s (NTIA) Institute for Telecommunication Sciences (ITS), in Boulder, CO, in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Defense OUSD(R&E) FutureG Office, have selected presenters for their radio access network (RAN) Intelligent Controller (RIC) Forum happening March 26-28, 2024, in Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas.

We are happy to be selected. Read more:


Regional activities

TIP will Lead the USTDA-KOMINFO OpenRAN Feasibility Study in Indonesia

In collaboration with KCCTech, IBM, and Telkom University, the Telecom Infra Project (TIP) will lead the USTDA-KOMINFO OpenRAN Feasibility Study in Indonesia.

TIP will oversee and manage the program as the prime contractor, ensuring a cohesive and innovative approach. KCCTech, known for its expertise in telecommunications, will provide critical OpenRAN system integration services, incorporating cutting-edge solutions from our member companies. IBM, the world’s leading technology company, will provide critical Open RAN Professional Services such as MANO Network Automation and Orchestration Provisioning and Delivery. Telkom University will conduct extensive research and analysis, providing valuable insights into the implementation of OpenRAN technology in the Indonesian landscape.



We extend our heartfelt appreciation to Telkom University for their invaluable collaboration in making the TIPON event a success. We look forward to continued partnerships and the prospect of more insightful events in the future! Watch the recording here:


Fyuz 23

Fyuz was launched in 2022 and has won 2 awards for the best conference in 2023.

Fyuz 23, held in Madrid, Spain, welcomed over 1200 attendees from 47 countries representing mobile operators and other service providers, vendors, systems integrators, regulators, investors, consultants, analysts, and business and trade media, with over 55% of attendees holding senior positions (Director and above). Fyuz 23 showcased 45 exhibiting and sponsoring companies.

The Fyuz 23 conference showcased a comprehensive program addressing various facets of open and disaggregated network infrastructure. The thought leadership mainstage program and dedicated summits, including the Open RAN Summit, AI and Chipset Summit, and Telco Cloud, delved into the latest trends and innovations. The conference also covered topics such as Open WiFi, Open Transport, Fixed Broadband, Non-Terrestrial Connectivity, Metaverse Ready Networks, Neutral Host, Test and certification, Made in India, and Upskilling. Notably, 50 hours of insightful content from the event are now available on TIP’s YouTube channel.

Key speakers from the 250 program speakers included representatives from American Tower, Arm, AT&T, AWS, BT, Comcast, DISH Wireless, Dell, Deutsche Telekom, DSIT, Ericsson, Google, Intel, Mavenir, Meta, Microsoft, MTN, Nokia, NTIA, NTT DOCOMO, Nvidia, Oracle, Orange, Qualcomm, Samsung, Telefónica, Telia Company, USDTA, VMware, and Vodafone among others.

Fyuz 23 hosted policymakers from around the world and facilitated several multilateral meetings/roundtables between industry stakeholders and various government agencies. These platforms facilitated candid conversations about the challenges and opportunities in Open RAN and highlighted TIP’s role in bringing the industry together to accelerate commercial deployments at scale.

Watch the recordings from the main stage and breakouts from Fyuz 23.

All main stage and breakout videos are available here:


TIP in the news

Key articles that covered TIP and its members in 2023. Relieve moments covered in these articles below:

TIP Tapped by Spectra for OpenWifi Solution in India – Tommy Clift, SDxCentral

How to fix open RAN in the US – Mike Dano, Light Reading

TIP discusses its mission to open up the telecoms industry – Scott Bicheno,

TIP pushes open agenda beyond RAN – Michael Carroll, Mobile World Live

TIP eyes up $1.5bn US funding for Open RAN acceleration – Yanitsa Boyadzhieva, TelecomTV

5G Open RAN gains momentum: Next steps and challenges – Ray Fernandez, TechRepublic

Diversity in telecom—’Gone are the days of this being a man’s world’ – Catherine Sbeglia, RCR Wireless

Latest UK open network project offers £80m in funding – Ray le Maistre, TelecomTV

TIP names its 3 most active project groups – Linda Hardesty, Fierce Wireless

UK sets aside £80M to tackle open network challenges – Kavit Majithia, Mobile World Live

Gov commit $100m to Help UK develop open mobile networks – Sead Fadilpašić, TechRadar

ThinkWiFi launches first Kenyan commercial outdoor deployment of TIP OpenWiFi – Joe O’ Halloran, Computer Weekly

ThinkWiFi Launches First Local Commercial Outdoor Openwifi Solution – Staff Writer, CIO Africa

Big 5G Event 2023 Focuses On 6G & Open RAN – Will Townsend, Forbes

Is the net wide enough? – Kate O’Flaherty, Capacity

An app store for 5G network operators could open – eventually – Mike Dano, Light Reading

TIP advances open Wi-Fi with software overhaul – Michael Carroll, Mobile World Live

OpenWiFi: Bringing openness and disaggregation to enterprise networksRCR Wireless

Vodafone, Intel ready sample open RAN silicon – Michael Carroll, Mobile World Live

Vodafone to create Open RAN chip sets with Intel – Paul Sandle, Reuters

Vodafone preps major Open RAN RFQ – Ray Le Maistre, TelecomTV

Rise of the incumbents at FYUZ – Keith Dyer, The Mobile Network

Ericsson lights the Open RAN Fyuz – Ray Le Maistre, TelecomTV

Intel under fire in cloud RAN over general-purpose claims – Iain Morris, Light Reading

Vodafone Open RAN ambitions go beyond HW/SW disaggregation – Sean Kinney, RCR Wireless

UK gov’t awards £88m to 5G Open RAN projects – Paul Lipscombe, DataCenterDynamics

Blow to Nokia as Ericsson wins AT&T open RAN deal worth up to $14bn – Annie Turner, Mobile Europe

AT&T taps Ericsson Open RAN to pioneer path to networks of the future – Joe O’ Halloran, Computer Weekly


2024 Focus


OOPT Roadmap for next year

Roadmap: Looking ahead to Q4 and beyond:

MUST Optical Workstream : We plan to complete ongoing test plans, evolve to version 2.0 of technical requirements, and develop end-to-end solution test plans for Gold Badge Commercial-ready solutions.

MUST IP Workstream: Our team will focus on refining detailed technical requirement documents, vendor compliance evaluations, and enhancing the API-based OpenConfig model requirements. We are also categorizing requirements by Router role, starting with a general category and the Cell Site Gateway role.

DDBR: Evaluation of the first vendor-compliant version of the DDBR-P and Internet Gateway (IGW) solution is in progress, with an expected completion by year-end. The DDBR-PE workstream is making significant progress, and the detailed technical requirements document will be released by the end of October, with vendor evaluations ongoing until Q1 2024.

DCSG: The DSCG v2.0 technical requirements document was released in September, and vendor compliance evaluations are underway, with results expected by year-end.

MANTRA: The release of the first IP over the DWDM whitepaper has led to a soft Request for Information (RFI) seeking top-tier partners for technology requirements evaluation via a Proof of Concept.


Open RAN

Baseline specifications are available and operators have aligned on priorities on functionality, while vendors and integrators have engaged in trials and early deployments across the globe.

Looking ahead to 2024, we will explore the necessary steps to maintain momentum and what TIP is doing in the Open RAN and its sub-groups. An increase in deployments doesn’t just measure success in this context; it also hinges on introducing innovative products and solutions that can be tested and certified to help facilitate continued Open RAN adoption by service providers across the globe.



Having recently launched a code maintainer program, moved the daily testing lab environment, and working on initiatives to set the project group for success, OpenLAN is looking forward to shipping 4 releases in 2024.

OpenLAN has shipped 4 releases since October and is accelerating its trajectory and building on the success of 2022 and 2023. We are looking forward to the forthcoming OpenWiFi 3.0 release, which will include support for Wi-Fi 7, OpenLAN Switching, enhanced scaling and other enhancements to propel the number and scale of OpenWiFi deployments. OpenLAN is also actively working on its badging, testing and validation framework which will be launched in 2024.



FiBr PG OFAN represents the future of Fiber Passive Optical Network, driven by the imperative for multi-vendor interoperability, disaggregation, programmability, and operational efficiency. The collaboration between operators, suppliers, and the Broadband Forum (BBF) is pivotal, with OpenBNG at its core, integrating CUPS, Lightweight BNG, and aligning with BBF and WT-474 standards. The SG roadmap outlines a strategic vision for ongoing collaboration, positioning FiBr PG OFAN as a beacon of innovation and efficiency in the telecommunications landscape.

In 2024, the RFI OFAN by FiBr PG initiative will culminate with the announcement of results and winning solutions, marking a significant milestone in the advancement of Optical Fiber Access Networks.


Metaverse Ready Networks (MRN)

The QoE/QoS Measurement Framework subgroup is actively engaged in the ongoing development of a unified measurement framework tailored for a diverse range of applications and services, encompassing typical usage scenarios. Their current focus involves the creation of a comprehensive whitepaper and technical report, with tentative plans for publication in 2024. Simultaneously, the Use Cases & QoS Requirement subgroup persists in their efforts to pinpoint and select relevant use cases while establishing industry-aligned Quality of Service (QoS) requirements for end-to-end connectivity. By diligently working on a set of User-Centric Documents (UCDs), the subgroup aims to provide valuable insights and contribute to the understanding and delivery of targeted Quality of Experience (QoE). These UCDs are anticipated to be released tentatively in 2024, marking a significant step in shaping industry standards for Metaverse technology.



We are looking forward to engaging with our community in 2024. The next steps involve a dedicated focus on member engagement and experience enhancement. TIP is actively listening to member feedback, facilitating a transformative shift in the member experience through the implementation of Hivebrite. This transition is further streamlined with the introduction of pro-rated plans, ensuring that members can seamlessly adapt to the new structure. To foster a collaborative atmosphere, TIP encourages members to proactively reach out with any queries, actively engage, and contribute to the various Project Groups (PGs). Members are pivotal in driving requirements and are invited to submit products and solutions for certification. Comprehensive information and clarifications can be found in the Membership FAQs, accessible through the provided link, while inquiries can be directed to for further assistance. The proactive engagement and collaborative efforts of members play a crucial role in shaping the trajectory and success of the TIP community.


Fyuz 24

Fyuz 24 will be held in Dublin, Ireland, November 11-13, at the Convention Center Dublin

As the only event to cover all aspects of open and disaggregated network technologies, Fyuz attracts C-Level executives, visionary speakers, innovators, and disruptors.

Now in its third edition, the theme of Fyuz 24 is “Accelerate,” embodying TIP’s commitment to catalyzing innovation and the commercialization of open and disaggregated technologies.

The event will catalyze:

  • Sponsoring companies, offering accelerated visibility of their brands within the industry.
  • Attendees can anticipate an accelerated networking experience, fostering meaningful connections and collaborations.
  • The carefully curated agenda promises to accelerate knowledge acquisition, providing a platform for in-depth insights and discussions on the latest trends and advancements across open and disaggregated solutions, AI, and chipsets.

Held November 11-13 at the Dublin Convention Center, Fyuz 24 is not just an event; it’s a dynamic accelerator propelling the telecom industry forward. Visit to register your interest.

We are looking forward to collaborating, innovating, and driving the industry forward in 2024.
